Centre for Transformation

About Us

The Centre for Transformation is a federally-recognized 501c3 charitable organization, eligible for tax-decuctible donations

What is the Centre for Transformation?

From birth to death, our bodies and identities are being constantly transformed. The Centre for Transformation represents a way of universally understanding human transformation. It is designed to assist us in processing and “digesting” the events and stories of our lives. This process includes developing our abilities to learn, grow and love each other and ourselves. In this way, we build competence, and thereby confidence, through doing what “works”. The idea here, is to develop spiritual character with which we become empowered to live out of essence and love.


"I am open to the best and closed to the undesirable."

The Centre for Transformation is a collective presence of human beings dedicated to living out of what is good and true no matter how imperfect. This Centre represents a collective consciousness to give counsel to every human being. It embodies a way of understanding – a way of understanding every human condition. It is a way of understanding not only the events that have happened in our lives, but also ourselves, other people, and virtually everything. No human condition is excluded from the domain of our concern. No matter who you are, or where you come from, your burdens matter and are destined to enlighten our collective presence in the world.


"Do the next good and true thing, no matter how imperfect."

This Way of Understanding is grounded on the foundation of faith – that there is a “way out” only by going through. There is a process through which to become acquainted with, learn, and understand what transformation means in our lives. It is a way of facing our human circumstances as we live under the conditions of existence. Learning to live like this, is essential to living authentically. It awakens and untethers the love in our hearts, the brilliance of our minds, and the strength of our wills. It invites us to be more free to manifest love and light in our lives and thereby invites others to also tend to this light happening in the world. When we learn to say yes to living our lives in this fullness of heart and mind, willfully manifesting love in the world, we open the door to experiencing the possibility of a new world!


Faith in you means:

To act as if you matter, because you do!

We invite you to participate in learning this Way of Understanding.

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