Centre for Transformation


Support Our Mission

We are pleased to announce that the Centre for Transformation has been granted 501(c)(3) charitable organization status by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This designation means that we are now officially recognized as a nonprofit organization, and as such, donations made to us are tax-deductible for donors. We are grateful for this opportunity to better serve our mission and community, and we welcome your support in the form of tax-free contributions. Your generosity will make a significant impact on our work, and we look forward to continuing our mission with your valuable support.


In giving to the Centre for Transformation, your gift, no matter how big or
small, helps support persons who are suffering from conditions
often desperate.
Commonly, they are burdened with grief and failing to cope well with it,
much less knowing how to work it through to understanding. They are,
nevertheless, engaged and committed to becoming better students of their
life circumstances.
They are, however, struggling financially to afford the coaching, counseling,
and therapy they need to improve their lives.
Your donation directly helps provide the education, training and support
they need today.
That is the power of your gift!

We have an option to donate directly to the Jacob Beese Memorial Scholarship for Art Therapy. For more information and to donate, click the button below.

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Based in Akron, Ohio - Serving the World

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